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Our TEDxTalks (speaker videos) are now available!
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TEDxTalks 2022
Video Editor: Yuuya Watanabe, Hiroyuki Kimura, Koutaku Tachibana
SHAMISEN OF TOHOKU | Hiroyuki Kurosawa
Overcoming heights: where the climbers headed after the tsunami | Michiko Murakami
震災後、更なる高みを目指したクライマーたち | むらかみ みちこ
If you can't change society, create one | Atsushi Hayashi
社会を変えるのではなく、新しくつくる | 林 篤志
The future of local performing arts with women | Kei Tanaka
女性がつくる郷土芸能の未来 | 田仲 桂
Does growing old limit our possibilities? | Llanete Dizon Takahashi
好奇心に年齢は関係ない | 高橋 ディーゾン リャネット
The future of the International Space Station is small satellite | Ryohei Kobayashi
国際宇宙ステーションが小型衛星に置き換わる未来 | 小林 稜平
How one family's resilience brought sake making to Seattle | Mari Tomisawa
家族で挑んだシアトルでの日本酒づくり | 冨沢 真理
Why I turned into a YouTuber on a wheelchair to become who I want to be | Maco Shibuya
なりたい自分になるために、障がい者の私がYouTubeで配信する理由 | 渋谷 真子
When I dressed my grandpa in my own clothes… | Naoya Kudo
おじいちゃんに僕の服を着せてみたら・・・ | クドウ ナオヤ
As mother, as lawyer: Change our unconscious "errors" | Kaori Suganami
母親、そして弁護士へ:無意識の"エラー"を変えよう | 菅波 香織
What our brother with autism taught us | Takaya & Fumito Matsuda
自閉症のある兄が僕たちに教えてくれたこと | 松田 崇弥 & 松田 文登
Official Teaser Trailer | TEDxTohoku 2022
TEDxTohoku 過去のトークは
Watch past TEDxTohoku talks on YouTube
TEDxTohoku 2022 Photos
About Us
■ TEDとは?
年次カンファレンスのほかには、毎日新しいTED Talksが掲載されるTED.com、世界中のボランティアによる字幕の翻訳を提供するTED Translators、教育イニシアチブのTED-Edなどがあります。他にもTEDは、世界に大きな変化をもたらす可能性のあるアイデアに資金を提供する「The Audacious Project」、世界各地で独立して組織されるTEDスタイルのイベントを主催する個人や団体にライセンスを提供する「TEDx」、世界を変えるイノベーターたちの素晴らしい活動を支援する「TED Fellows」プログラムなどを設立しています。TEDの最新情報は、TED公式TwitterおよびFacebookページをご覧下さい。
■ TEDxとは?
TEDxとは、TEDの「Ideas Worth Spreading(広める価値のあるアイデアを共有しよう)」という精神のもと、世界各地で独自に運営されているプログラムです。「x」には、独立しているという意味が込められ、個々のTEDxイベントはTEDより正式なライセンスを取得し、(定められた規則の元で)独自に運営されています。TEDxごとの特色をふまえつつも、TED本体と同様にTEDTalksの映像やスピーカーの生の講演を鑑賞することで、深い議論が沸き起こり、交流を深めるイベントとなっています。
■ TEDxTohokuとは?
今回は「ダイバーシティ(多様性)」に焦点を当て、DEI(Diversity, Equity and Inclusion)を重視したイベントを目指します。より幅広い分野・地域・世代から、様々なアイデンティティを持つ登壇者をお招きし、プレゼンテーションやパフォーマンスを通して、Ideas Worth Spreading を発信していただきます。講演内容はYouTube(イベント後に配信)を通して、国内外の多くの視聴者に共有されます。さらに、イベントでは、年齢・ジェンダー・経歴・職業・国籍などの壁を越えて、参加者・登壇者・協賛パートナー・運営スタッフ同士で対話・交流する機会が多く設けられています。このプラットフォームで得られた興味関心や繋がりから、新しいアクションやコミュニティを創出することが、このイベントの最大の目的です。
TED公式ページ : TEDxTohoku
■ About TED
TED is a nonprofit organization devoted to Ideas Worth Spreading. Started as a four-day conference in California 30 years ago, TED has grown to support its mission with multiple initiatives. The two annual TED Conferences invite the world's leading thinkers and doers to speak for 18 minutes or less. Many of these talks are then made available, free, at TED.com. TED speakers have included Bill Gates, Jane Goodall, Elizabeth Gilbert, Sir Richard Branson, Nandan Nilekani, Philippe Starck, Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, Sal Khan and Daniel Kahneman.
The annual TED Conference takes place each spring in Vancouver, British Columbia. TED's media initiatives include TED.com, where new TED Talks are posted daily; TED Translators, which provides subtitles and interactive transcripts as well as translations from volunteers worldwide; the educational initiative TED-Ed. TED has established The Audacious Project that takes a collaborative approach to funding ideas with the potential to create change at thrilling scale; TEDx, which supports individuals or groups in hosting local, self- organized TED-style events around the world, and the TED Fellows program, helping world-changing innovators from around the globe to amplify the impact of their remarkable projects and activities.
Follow TED on Twitter, or on Facebook.
■ About TEDx
In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TED Talks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized. (Subject to certain rules and regulations.)
■ What is TEDxTohoku?
TEDxTohoku was established in 2011 by a group of volunteer students from Tohoku, and from then until 2015, TEDxTohoku has held annual events at various locations in the Tohoku region. Initially, TEDxTohoku started out as a place to share innovative ideas and initiatives from the disaster-affected areas both within and outside of Japan. From 2012 onwards, ideas from a wider range of fields from the six Tohoku prefectures were shared under the theme of "Together, to an Undiscovered Future”. Through the TEDx community consisting of participants, speakers, supporting partners, and staff, it has developed into a platform that creates connections between people and ideas, leading to new actions. And now, after 5 years, TEDxTohoku has re-launched!
This time, we will focus on "Diversity" and aim to create an event that emphasizes DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion). We will invite speakers from a wider range of fields, regions, and generations with various identities to share their “Ideas Worth Spreading” through their presentations and performances. The content of the presentations will also be shared with a broad domestic and international audience through YouTube (to be uploaded after the event). The event will provide many opportunities for dialogue and interaction among participants, speakers, sponsoring partners, and staff, transcending the barriers of age, gender, background, occupation, and nationality. With the event, our aim is to create new actions and communities from the interests and connections gained through this platform.
TED Official Page: TEDxTohoku
Event Details
日程|2022年6月12日 日曜日
第1部:トークセッション せんだいメディアテーク(仙台市青葉区春日町2-1)
第2部:懇親会 CROSS B PLUS(仙台市青葉区大町1-1-30)
第1部:トークセッション 一般 3,500 円 (学生* 1,500 円) *小学生以下は無料
第2部:懇親会 一般 4,500 円 (20歳以下 2,500 円)
パブリックビューイング会場|CROSS B PLUS
受付 10:00 - 10:40
セッション I 10:40 - 11:50
セッション II 13:00 - 14:00
セッション III 14:20 - 15:30
座談会 15:30 - 16:40
懇親会 17:20 - 19:50
Date|June 12, 2022 (Sunday)
Time|10:00 - 20:00
Venue|Sendai, Miyagi
[ Part I - Talk Session ] Sendai Mediatheque (2-1 Kasuga-machi, Aoba-ku, Sendai)
[ Part II - Reception ] CROSS B PLUS (1-1-30 Omachi, Aoba-ku, Sendai)
Speakers|11 speakers will be invited from a wide range of ages/generations, genders, nationalities, regions of Japan, and fields related to Tohoku.
[ Part I - Talk Session ] General: 3,500 yen (Students*: 1,500 yen) *Free for elementary school students and younger.
[ Part II - Reception ] General: 4,500 yen (Under 20: 2,500 yen)
Language|Mainly Japanese
Accessibility|Simultaneous interpretation (Japanese > English) and on-site childcare service will be available.
Live Streaming|The event will be live streamed. (No registration is required to watch the live streaming. The streaming URL will be shared on this website and social media.) Afterwards, the presentations will be published on YouTube as TEDxTalks.
Simulcast Venue|CROSS B PLUS
Official Partner|Sendai City
Registration 10:00 - 10:40
Session I 10:40 - 11:50
Session II 13:00 - 14:00
Session III 14:20 - 15:30
Roundtable Session 15:30 - 16:40
Reception 17:20 - 19:50
*順不同渋谷 真子 | Maco Shibuya
一般社団法人 再生医療福祉支援基金 再生医療大使
Wheelchair YouTuber "Maco, the Modern Princess Mononoke”
Ambassador for Regenerative Medicine, Regenerative Medicine Welfare Support Fund
In Tsuruoka City, Yamagata Prefecture, Maco Shibuya worked as a hunter while aiming to become a thatch roof craftsman. After a major fall, Maco suffered a spinal cord injury that left her paralyzed in the lower part of her body. Her strong will to serve people in the future encouraged her to start her own YouTube channel, where she shares a wide range of topics often perceived as taboo. She also actively gives lectures at companies and schools. Maco has more than 100,000 followers on YouTube and is empowering many people with her story and cheerfulness.
小林 稜平 | Ryohei Kobayashi
株式会社ElevationSpace 代表取締役 CEO
1997年生まれ、秋田県潟上市出身。秋田高専在学中の19歳の時に宇宙建築に出会い、人生が変わる。卒業後、東北大学に編入学し、建築学と宇宙工学を専攻。大学在学中には人工衛星開発プロジェクトや次世代宇宙建築物の研究に従事し、宇宙建築において国内1位、世界2位を獲得。また、Tohoku Space Communityを立上げ、東北を宇宙で活性化させることを目指し活動、東北大学の准教授と共同で2021年に株式会社ElevationSpaceを起業。現在は、誰もが宇宙で生活できる世界を目指し、宇宙ステーションに代わり人工衛星内で宇宙実験や材料製造を行う小型宇宙利用・回収プラットフォームを開発している。経済産業省 / JETROが主催する「始動 Next Innovator」等各種プログラム・コンテスト等で受賞。
ElevationSpace Inc. CEO
Ryohei was born in 1997 in Katagami City, Akita Prefecture. At the age of 19, while studying at Akita National College of Technology, his encounter with space architecture changed his life. After graduation, he transferred to Tohoku University, where he majored in architecture and space engineering. His involvement in satellite development projects and research on next-generation space architecture led him to win first place in Japan and second place globally in the field. He also founded the Tohoku Space Community, aiming to revitalize the Tohoku region through space. In 2021, he founded ElevationSpace Inc. in collaboration with an associate professor at Tohoku University. Currently, he is developing a platform for small space utilization and recovery, which enables conducting experiments in space and manufacturing within a satellite instead of the space station. He hopes to one day realize a world where everyone can live in space. Ryohei has won awards in various programs and contests such as the "Sido Next Innovator" program sponsored by METI and JETRO.
冨沢 真理 | Mari Tomisawa
株式会社白富士酒造 副社長
福島県双葉町育ち。東京農業大学 醸造科を卒業後、約300年続く実家の株式会社冨沢酒造店に戻って酒造りを始める。東日本大震災によりひき起こった福島第一原発事故より3.5kmにあった酒蔵を失う。家業の「のれん」を守るために、日本全国を駆け回り復興を目指したが、障害が多く断念。偶然、縁のできたアメリカのシアトルでの復興を決め、家族全員(猫を含む)で移住をし、2022年に「SHIRAFUJI」を復活させる。シアトルという地で、伝統の酒造りに1から取り組む。
Mari grew up in Futaba Town, Fukushima Prefecture. After graduating from Tokyo University of Agriculture with a degree in fermentation science, she returned to her family's 300 year old brewery, Tomisawa Brewery Co., and started brewing sake. However, with the Great East Japan Earthquake, she lost her sake brewery located just 3.5km away from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident. In order to protect the "goodwill" of the family business, she traveled all over Japan to restore the brewery, unfortunately in vain. She decided to revive the business in Seattle, USA, where she happened to be acquainted with, and moved there with her whole family (including her cat) to revive "SHIRAFUJI" in 2022. Now in Seattle, she is working on traditional sake brewing from scratch.
松田 崇弥 & 松田 文登 | Takaya Matsuda & Fumito Matsuda
松田崇弥 - 株式会社ヘラルボニー 代表取締役社長|CEO
松田文登 - 株式会社ヘラルボニー 代表取締役副社長|COO
自閉症の兄をもつ双子の兄弟。4歳上の兄・翔太が小学校時代に記していた謎の言葉「ヘラルボニー」を社名に、岩手県にて起業。「異彩を、放て。」をミッションに掲げる福祉実験ユニットを通じて、知的障害のある人の才能を中心に、福祉を起点とした新たな経済循環と文化の創造を目指している。障害のあるアーティストによる作品のライセンスビジネスなどを展開、社会課題にクリエイティブで挑む。世界を変える30歳未満30人の日本人「Forbes 30 UNDER 30 JAPAN」受賞。
Takaya Matsuda - President & CEO, HERALBONY Co., Ltd.
Fumito Matsuda - Vice President & COO, HERALBONY Co., Ltd.
Fumito and Takaya Matsuda are twin brothers with an older brother with autism. They started their own company in Iwate Prefecture called "HERALBONY", a name based on a mysterious word that their brother Shota, four years their senior, wrote down while in elementary school. As with their mission statement, “Let Out Your Exceptionality”, the team aims to create a new economic cycle and culture with the talents of people with intellectual disabilities, starting with welfare. They continue to tackle social issues with creativity through activities such as a licensing business for works by artists with disabilities. Takaya and Fumito were selected for the "Forbes 30 Under 30 Japan".
むらかみ みちこ | Michiko Murakami
特定非営利活動法人 FIRST ASCENT JAPAN. 理事長
ボルダリングパークやくらいWALL 統括責任者宮城県気仙沼市出身。大学在学中に山登りをはじめる。その後クライミングに熱中し、アメリカのヨセミテ国立公園El Capitan「The Nose」等を制覇。2011年東日本大震災をきっかけにNPOを設立。宮城県石巻市にて金華山震災復興支援「宝島プロジェクト」を立上げ、金華山のクライミングに適した花崗岩に着目し、その美しいロケーションとともにクライミングシーンを世界に発信、「KINKASAN」として知られるところになった。観光資源創出及び、自然環境保全を中心に活動、また現在は、宮城県加美町のボルダリング施設運営に携わりクライミング振興を図る。
General Manager of Bouldering Park Yakurai WALLMichiko Murakami was born in Kesennuma City, Miyagi Prefecture. She started rock climbing while in college and it soon became her passion, leading her to complete rigorous routes such as “The Nose” - known to be one of the most challenging and technical climbing routes up El Capitan in Yosemite National Park. Following the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011, she established a non-profit organization in Ishinomaki City, Miyagi Prefecture, called "Treasure Island Project" to support the recovery of Mount Kinka. Together with its beautiful location and the granite rocks suitable for climbing, Michiko introduced its climbing scene to the world, increasing the mountain’s global recognition as “KINKASAN”. Currently, Michiko is also involved in the management of a bouldering facility in Kami Town, Miyagi Prefecture, to promote climbing.
林 篤志 | Atsushi Hayashi
Next Commons Lab 創設者
ポスト資本主義社会を具現化するための社会OS「Local Coop」をつくる。2016年、一般社団法人Next Commons Labを設立。岩手県遠野市を皮切りに、自治体・企業・起業家など多様なセクターと協業しながら、新たな社会システムの構築を目指す。日本財団 特別ソーシャルイノベーターに選出(2016)。Forbes Japan ローカル・イノベーター・アワード 地方を変えるキーマン55人に選出(2017)。
Founder, Next Commons LabAtsushi works to create a social operating system “Local Coop” to realize a post-capitalist society. He established the Next Commons Lab in 2016. Starting with Tono City in Iwate Prefecture, his goal is to build a new social system through collaboration with diverse sectors such as local governments, corporations, and entrepreneurs. He was selected as an Outstanding Social Innovator by the Nippon Foundation (2016) and as one of the 55 key people who will change local communities in the Forbes Japan Local Innovator Awards (2017).
田仲 桂 | Kei Tanaka
Member of Okunitama Shrine Yamatomai Traditions Association
Kei was born in 1978 in Iwaki city, Fukushima prefecture, where she still resides. Not only is she a bearer of the “Yamatomai”, “Jangara Nenbutsu Odori”, and “Sanbiki Shishi Mai” dances, but she is also active as a dancer in the local performing arts of Fukushima, such as the “Taue Odori” and “Hosai Odori” dances. In hopes of passing on the local tangible and intangible cultural heritage to the next generation, Kei provides support to the investigation, research, preservation, utilization, and succession, compiles booklets called “Oazashi” that document the local history and culture, develops applications to spread awareness about the cultural assets through play, and produces radio programs on local history. She also presides over an art project in collaboration with the local community and artists, which spotlights “Matsuri” festivals and local performing arts that have been passed down from generation to generation. Through these activities, she seeks to create new values in the traditional performing arts and to create a platform for diverse people to gather. Kei is also a member of the Iwaki City Cultural Properties Protection Council, Iwaki City Cultural Policy Vision Formulation Study Committee, Fukushima Prefecture Cultural Promotion Council, NPO Fukushima Association for the Inheritance of Folk Performing Arts, and the Art And Network Committee.
クドウ ナオヤ | Naoya Kudo
TV Commercial Planner, Communication DesignerNaoya lived in Akita prefecture until high school and went on to study design at the Department of Engineering in Chiba University. He began his career at an advertising agency in Tokyo where, after working in the areas of digital marketing and strategy, he moved to his current creative position. He engaged in many popular TV commercials and digital campaigns, and won numerous advertising awards both within Japan and abroad. Naoya is also known as the grandson and creator of the fashion icon “Silver Tetsuya”. This idea came to life when he returned home to Akita In 2019, and on a whim, decided to take photos of his grandfather wearing his own clothes. This marked the beginning of “Silver Tetsuya”, who became a worldwide fashion icon overnight.
菅波 香織 | Kaori Suganami
Law Attorney, President of Hamadori University, Executive Director of Future Conference
Kaori was born in 1976 in Iwaki City, Fukushima Prefecture. She graduated from the University of Tokyo’s Department of Chemical System Engineering. As she worked as a researcher at a chemical manufacturer while raising children, she felt that it was difficult for women to live their lives, so she left the company to study for the bar exam and to become a lawyer. After the birth of her third daughter, she passed the bar exam and returned to her hometown of Iwaki City as a lawyer in 2007. In 2013, after the Great East Japan Earthquake, Kaori presided over the Future Conference, a dialogue forum to discuss solutions regarding division and conflict. As a place for dialogue lasting for 30 years, Kaori continues to create opportunities where diverse participants, from children to adults from multiple regions, can discuss their honest feelings in a safe place where they can be heard and treated as equal. The private university “Hamadori University” has emerged from the conference’s Children’s Subcommittee, enabling children and adults to learn together. From 2020, Kaori has been focused on the "Hamadori Support Children" project, an initiative to support children and adults with disabilities and other difficulties in their lives.
黒澤 博幸 | Hiroyuki Kurosawa
1972年岩手県盛岡市生まれ。7歳から三味線を始める。2002年~2004年「津軽三味線全日本金木大会」で最高位の「仁太坊賞」を三連覇。津軽三味線の始祖「仁太坊(にたぼう)」の音を唯一伝える奏者である。2011年、東日本大震災で、津軽三味線黒澤会のお稽古場「釜石鵜住居地区防災センター」が被災し、その場所に避難した240名もの方が亡くなり「釜石の悲劇」と言われている。黒澤は1日違いで難を逃れ、東北の音「津軽三味線」で被災者に寄り添いながら、元オフコースドラマー大間ジローと結成している「Soul & Beat TEN-CHI-JIN」では、被災地のメッセンジャーとして国内外で活動。東北の片隅で生まれた津軽三味線は、JAPAN ROCKと言われ共演してきた海外のアーティストには、日本独自の音楽として高い評価を得ている。また、アメリカ議会をはじめ8か国の公演先では、演奏と共に止められない「自然災害」と止めることが出来る人災「戦争」の違いを伝えている。
Sangen, Tsugaru Shamisenist
Hiroyuki was born in Morioka City, Iwate Prefecture in 1972 and began playing the shamisen at the age of 7. Between 2002 to 2004, he won the Nitaboh Award, the highest award in the Tsugaru Shamisen All Japan Kanagi Competition, thrice in a row. Hiroyuki is also the only shamisen player who conveys the same sound as the founder of the Tsugaru shamisen, Nitaboh. In 2011, the Great East Japan Earthquake hit the Kamaishi Unosumai Disaster Prevention Center, where his Tsugaru shamisen Kurosawa-kai practice hall was located. 240 lives were lost, marking what is now called the "Kamaishi Tragedy''. Hiroyuki escaped the disaster by one day. He stays close to the victims of the disaster with his Tsugaru shamisen, the sound of Tohoku. He is active in Japan and abroad as a messenger for disaster-affected areas with his unit "Soul & Beat TEN-CHI-JIN", which he formed with drummer Jiro Oma, former member of the band Off Course. They have performed with overseas artists who have regarded them as “Japan Rock”, and the Tohoku-born Tsugaru shamisen instrument has been highly acclaimed by them as uniquely Japanese music. Hiroyuki has performed in eight countries, including at the Kennedy Center in the US. At each performance, he highlights the difference between "natural disasters", which cannot be stopped, and man-made disasters or “wars”, which can be stopped.高橋 ディーゾン リャネット | Llanete Dizon Takahashi
医療法人社団 健育会ひまわりデイサービスセンター 介護職員
自宅で祖父など在宅介護を16年間経験。2011年の東日本大震災をきっかけに介護ヘルパーの資格を取得し、介護の仕事に従事。高齢者施設にて働きながら、高齢者向けに「英会話教室」を開催したところコミュニケーションが向上し、日常生活の活性化にも繋がった。現在は、介護福祉士の資格を目指し、日々勉強し、地域コミュニティに貢献している。Caregiver at Himawari Day Service Center, Ken-Ikukai Medical Corporate Body
Born in Manila, Philippines in 1976, Llanete traveled to Japan after high school for work. She later married a Japanese man and moved to Ishinomaki City, Miyagi Prefecture, where she works and raises her six children. In addition to working as an elementary school English teacher (ALT) for 8 years, she also served as a supporter for foreign residents by the Ishinomaki City Board of Education, and as staff for the consultation counter for foreign residents. Given her 16 years of experience in home care for her family members, she was inspired to become a caregiver after the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011, and got licensed to begin her career in the industry. At one facility, she hosted English lessons for the elderly, which she found to be effective in improving communication and bringing liveliness into their daily lives. Now, Llanette studies to become a Certified Care Worker while also contributing to her local community.
Director / Licensee | Eri Watanabe
Deputy Director | Yusuke Tampo
Speaker Team | Saya Ogasawara (Lead), Shun Fujiwara, Koutaku Tachibana
Partner Team | Rika Sagara
Operation & Logistics Team | Kei Nishio (Lead), Kanon Asari
Participant Team | Misato Yoshida (Lead), Momo Watanabe
PR Team | Minako Seki (Lead), Divya Khanna, Kozue Inagaki
Translation Team | Mai Iida (Lead), Nina Gamell, Jackie F. Steel, Mayumi Suzuki
Production Team | Hiroyuki Kimura (Lead), Yoshifumi Nishimura
Stage Director | Akihiko Ouchi
Video Creator | Yuya Watanabe
Video Editor | Yuya Watanabe, Hiroyuki Kimura, Koutaku Tachibana
Graphic Designer | Josephine Vanier
Supervisor | Jun Kamei
This independent TEDx event is operated under license from TED.
This TEDx event is independently organized.
個人情報の取り扱いについて Privacy policy
1. 個人情報の利用目的
1. Personal Information
The information you provide to us, including your name, organization, gender, contact details ("Personal Information"), is used by TEDxTohoku only for the purposes of event planning and organization, and in no other way without prior consent.
2. Disclosure of Personal Information to Third Parties
Except in cases where there is prior consent by those involved or where information disclosure is required by law, Personal Information you submit to us will not be disclosed or released to third parties.
3. 個人情報の開示等
3. Handling of Personal Information
We seek to respond to all requests for publishing, changing, or deleting Personal Information as soon as possible, granted that the identity of the owner of Personal Information is verified.
4. 個人情報の管理
4. Storing of Personal Information
In order to store Personal Information securely, and to ensure that Personal Information is maintained without any data leaks, TEDxTohoku implements strict data protection measures and requires all management and administrative staff to observe proper protocol.